
Hard to ignore.

Crisis UK making a noise

New research has found that as the cost of living crisis worsens, as many as 300,000 more households could become homless next year. As the homeless situation in the UK is already dire, homeless charity Crisis has taken steps to make people aware with a loud statement in the form of a life-size 4-meter sculpture names Alex, adorned with QR codes allowing the public to make donations to help fight this crisis. 

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Prominent locations

Speaking at the unveiling of the sculpture, Crisis Ambassador Imelda Staunton commented: “The intention of this incredibly lifelike sculpture is simple: homelessness cannot be ignored any longer.

The sculpture was unveiled in London at kings cross station, it has since moved to our streets near the Bull Ring. Alex will stay in Birmingham until the 11th of December before moving on to raise awareness across the country. 

Our streets

Every day the homeless are ignored. Alex stands as a visible statement and honours the hundreds of thousands in the UK who experience the worst kind of homelessness, sleeping on the streets, cold, hungry and voiceless.

At Helping Hands of Birmingham along with our generous helpers, we do our best to make the lives of the homeless a little easier by providing hot food, clean clothes and a friendly ear. Find out how you can help us continue our work via the link below. 

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Speaking at the unveiling of the sculpture, Crisis Ambassador Imelda Staunton commented: “The intention of this incredibly lifelike sculpture is simple: homelessness cannot be ignored any longer.

The sculpture was unveiled in London at kings cross station, it has since moved to our streets near the Bull Ring, and it will stay in Birmingham until the 11th of December before moving on to raise awareness across the country. 

Our streets

Every day the homeless are ignored, the sculpture, named Alex, stands as a visible statement and honours the hundreds of thousands in the UK who experience the worst kind of homelessness, sleeping on the streets, cold, hungry and voiceless.

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