
meet jayne.

Housed after years on the streets

I met Jayne on the streets 5 years ago when her daughter contacted another charity that I was helping with. She explained that Jayne who had been missing for nearly 3 years, was dealing with a serious mental condition and she was desperate to find her. After she described Jayne I knew exactly who she was and told her that we knew where she was and that she was OK. Jane always kept herself to herself, never took anything she didn’t need, drank coffee with no sugar, loved dark chocolate and she won my heart within weeks of knowing her. 

 Jayne was adamant she didn’t have any family and it was clear she didn’t want to be found, so her children use us to keep them updated on their mums’ well-being. Over the years I tried several times to house Jayne but she wasn’t interested. She cut her own hair and pulled out her teeth when they went bad, she found it so hard to accept help. When covid struck in 2020, Jayne was moved by the Birmingham council into a shared house, she was the only woman living there and she felt unsafe. Needless to say, she went straight back to the streets.  The next move by the council is almost unbelievable, but it resulted in Jayne being given a one-way ticket to Inverness where she slept on the freezing streets and nearly starved. You can read the full Birmingham news article later on this page. 

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We didn't give up

In April 2021 we finally got Jayne into suitable accommodation where she feels safe. She has a warm bed, bathroom, kitchen, and a lock on the door. If our homeless crisis is to be eradicated, accommodation for people like Jayne needs to make them safe and secure to get them off the streets and give them a foundation to build a future.

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We never gave up

In April 2021 we finally got Jayne into suitable accommodation where she feels safe. She has a warm bed, bathroom, kitchen, and a lock on the door. If our homeless crisis is to be eradicated, accommodation for people like Jayne needs to make them safe and secure to get them off the street and give them a foundation to build a future.

Back into society

Since Jayne has had a permanent residence, we visit her 3 days a week to offer support. We do a shop once a week and have taught her how to budget for all expenses. Slowly but surely, Jayne is being reintegrated into society and is growing with confidence and maybe one day soon she will see her family again.


Since Jayne has had a permanent residence, we visit her 3 days a week to offer support. We do a shop once a week and have taught her how to budget for all expenses. Slowly but surely, Jayne is being reintegrated into society and is growing with confidence and maybe one day soon she will see her family again.

Birmingham news article

See how Jayne ended up alone in Inverness

Back into society

Since Jayne has had a permanent residence, we visit her 3 days a week to offer support. We do a shop once a week and have taught her how to budget for all expenses. Slowly but surely, Jayne is being reintegrated into society and is growing with confidence and maybe one day soon she will see her family again.


Registered Charity 1179507

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